Thursday, July 23, 2009

Attempted Homicide

Hello officer, I would like to report an attempted aerobics instructor is trying to kill us! :)
Actually I love my step class and my instructor is the BEST~she totally rocks it and inspires me and is mentoring me along to be an instructor, however there are some days when I just want to curl up in a little ball and not move for a long time when we are through and today would be one of those days!

I do need to start moving it more---I currently do 2 hours of Zumba on Monday, step on Thursdays, Strength Train on Friday, Zumba on Saturday and Run/walk on Sundays but need to add something for either Tuesday or Wednesday. I also need to find a new challenge now that the first half-marathon is over and next year's Rock and Roll Marathon(s) that I am planning/training for are too far away to be a major motivator yet.

I am so glad tomorrow is FRIDAY....I need some down time!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Mee So Hongry!

Why is it that when I am at my most re-energized and committed to my program, that I am also the most hungry??? I felt like I could eat the paint chips off the walls today (hmmm, does paint have a caloric value---and how many fiber grams?) perhaps it has something to do with not getting to the grocery store since leaving last Thursday on my trip :(

So, I had a 'date' with Mr. Scale last night and faced the music. It was sad and painful but I am trying to put the shame/blame and the coulda, woulda, shoulda behind me and move on. I had been down -70 pounds since Jan 1 of this year but gained back almost 6 pounds in the past few weeks. The pizza at Lou Malhnati's in Chicago didn't help! Really, if truth be told, I have been playing around since June. June was the stress trifecta month for me....dd prom, graduation, and party, mom in town (with new man in tow---who was kinda a surprise, and we just lost my dad not even a year ago) then there was insane busy-ness at work and my first half marathon, and I could go on and on......however it is now nearing the end of July and I can no longer blame my eating on the stressful month of June. Time to put on my big girl panties and deal!

I have been doing some really*heavy* insightful provocative thinking this past week about my whole weight loss journey (spurred on mostly by meeting some terrrrific zonies who made me feel fab!) and I realize that I spent most of my 30's yo-yo'ing back and forth. I have easily lost and gained over 400 pounds(yikes!) in the past decade......but this time IT IS DIFFERENT!

This time I met 'zumba' and fell in love and then found that exercise is not the dirtiest 8 letter word that I have ever heard. This time I aspire to being a WW leader, and a zumba instructor and teaching more step classes (speaking of which I need to get a new routine down by tomorrow night!) and running more marathons and in general running circles around the old me.

So, I may be hungry.....but it's not food I am hungry for!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


So, I went to Chicago for this little thing called work....and while there met up with a fellow zonie (whom by the way is A-MAZ-ING) on Friday night prior to getting together on route to a DWLZ 'reunion' otherwise known as the Amish luau (more on this later)
We bonded over some good food, even better drinks (Hawaiian Obamas~possibly the best thing to come out of his presidency so far) a great walk through Millenium Park under the twinkling skyline of an great city and our shared struggles with Mr. Scale.
While talking the subject of her blog came up and my mention that I would love to write one was met with the simple yet profound "why don't you?" Never one to run from a challenge....HERE.I.AM!