Ben and Jerry have been the long standing men in my life [even longer than Justin who will have been my friend for 25 years this september] and I have never missed an unveiling....the hunt through the neighborhood grocery stores for all of the flavors, figuring out how far I may need to drive to find that last one, determining my personal favorite and seeing which would become my freezers allstar, finding out if they have used one of my suggestions [yes, I have submitted suggestions for new flavors....hasn't everyone?] and the thrill of potential victory as I *may* find one that beats my personal favorite, New York Super Fudge Chunk (I am a NYC girl after all!)
Here are this years new 6:
Here is the kicker though....this year I have a new attitude and I live on "a new street" and I haven't had Ben or Jerry in a VERY long time and I don't intend to start now. Luckily for me, none of this years contenders seems worth missing, with the exception of Milk and Cookies which could be a winner....but I will never know!
In fact, ice cream seems to have lost its power over me....and I have kicked Ben and Jerry to the curb for a new man named Menchies (a healthy frozen yogurt joint that has moved to town). If you haven't met him yet you have to check him out. In fact, I think I may go for a run and earn myself some Menchies later today!
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